Monday, November 10, 2008

I'm Scared

One day I was walking very fast
and I saw a glimpse and it was a shape of a dog
but I looked and it wasn't a dog.
I saw two coyotes chasing me and I was scared.
I ran and ran and ran, still I ran some more.
And I came to my steps and my Mom looked like she was saying,
"What in the world?" And I say, "Mommy Mommy,"
And she says, "What are you talking about?
Honey and Leroy are on vacation,
and we are on vacation, too!"
I'm like, "There are two coyotes chasing after me!"
My mom squints her eyes and she says,
"Come back inside! I do not want one coyote
chasing after you, I mean two coyotes."
And I come inside.

A Distracted Dog

Me, my dog, and Honey
(Honey is not my dog,
but Bobby and Phyllis's dog)
go walking, and we find lots
of mushrooms. We find
ten Puffball mushrooms,
one Fringed Tuberia,
and one Oyster mushroom.
Leroy, my dog, distracts Honey
so much that Honey runs ahead of us.
Then I run ahead of my mom and Leroy,
and I don't find Honey.
My mom doesn't either,
but Honey is at the house.
Honey does not come out again
while we are outside.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Teddy Bear Plays

Teddy Bear is playing.
He sees a big bluebird
and a lizard and a little house.
And Teddy Bear sees
his mom and his dad.
But they say, "fifteen more minutes of playing."
Teddy Bear says, "No Mama. No Daddy.
I want to play fifty-nine more minutes."
"Ok," says Mommy Bear.
"Ok," says Big Daddy Bear.
"We will go into the house,"
they both say together.
"We will make dinner," says Mommy Bear,
"and we will clean your room."
And finally Teddy Bear comes in.
Then Teddy Bear says, but not says,
he yells, "Mommy, Daddy, I'm starving.
Where is my dinner?"

Saturday, September 27, 2008

My Hidden House

My hidden house is in the creek.
The creek is at John's house.
My dog follows me

and John's dog follows me.
I find the hidden house
and this is a wonderful sight.

I go home but do not tell.
I go back to the hidden house,
and the hidden house is there, still.

Then I see the two dogs.
Leroy is my dog, but Honey is not my dog.
He is John's dog. They play together

in the stream and I sleep in the hidden house.
My mom calls, the flowers tickle my nose, I wake up
and it's night. And I say, "Mom, I'm coming.

I'm just playing."

Sunday, August 31, 2008

My Garden

Rainbow sloshes
filled with galoshes,
I open up my eyes.
Filled with flowers in my garden,
ladybugs and butterflies.
The sun rises, and so do I.
My dog gets up,
my cats get up,
my puppies get up.
The bell rings for morning.
My mom gets up.

(She wrote this right before she turned six)

Friday, August 29, 2008

Walking through the Jungle

Zebras to flowers
Lions to tigers
Mountains to prairies
Dogs to cats
My name is Elisia
My mom's name is Lya
I love to do split backflips
I love to do cartwheels
Houses to people
Monkeys to chimpanzees
Backpacks to notebooks
The end.